
Views from the people of Rugged on the topics we care about
Indoor Climbing is Changing, and I Can’t Wait!
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

You may have seen that Rugged exhibited for the first time at the Association of British Climbing (ABC) annual conference recently; showing how we’re gamifying climbing walls with our interactive products. The aim: to increase accessibility, competitiveness and enjoyment for…

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Park Re-opening? Here’s 3 Top Tips for Making it Memorable
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Indoor adventure parks, after months of closure, are now beginning to open up in countries across the globe. 

Of course there are strict guidelines to follow about distancing and cleanliness, but many parks will wonder: can we even attract enough…

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Treading Lightly As We Go...
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

During the time we’ve been locked down we’ve all seen the dramatic rise in the use of single use plastics for gloves, masks and visors - and while this was obviously unavoidable here at Rugged we thought it would be…

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A Rather Rugged Decade
Monday, January 13, 2020

10 years, 120 months, or 3652 days, however you see it, a lot has happened in the last decade.

Uber, Tinder and WhatsApp were introduced into our lives. Netflix shifted from a movie subscription that arrived in the post,…

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Why you Should Watch Where you Workout
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Age, ability and experience often form mental barriers between people and exercise. Don’t get us wrong, this is totally natural, but they shouldn’t keep you from staying active. The benefits of physical activity are as varied as they are…

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Why We Champion Active Ageing
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

How Rugged Interactive can help keep everyone active, whatever their age

At Rugged Interactive, we believe that every person, irrespective of age and ability should have the opportunity to be active, and enjoy it.

Which is why we champion…

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WallRider - Origin Story
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wall-walking (or bouncing on your back and climbing up the wall) is a very exciting and visually dramatic form of trampoline exercise - It’s also quite hard to learn and completely exhausting!

I’d always been a fan, or at least…

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Rugged Interactive and CardioWall: Making Sport Inclusive For All
Monday, August 13, 2018

Physical exercise is a key part of children’s physical, social and emotional development. However for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN), access to, and ability to participate in, physical activities can be very different from their…

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Investing in the Future
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Think back to P.E. lessons at school - only the fortunate few will be revisited by happy memories. An excellent backhand, impressive cross-country times, ability to shoot hoops with your eyes closed and always picked first for the sport’s team…

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